Westcode: Los Angeles - A 90's Hip Hop First-Person-Shooter
Stage: In Development
Music is a Weapon.
powered by OGAs™

Westcode: Los Angeles is a Game currently in Development
The Story
Protect Los Angeles
Set in Los Angeles in the early 1990s, players may join Ice-T in repelling a Soviet invasion following a massive earthquake that devastates the West Coast.
With support from US Special Operations, they may unify the gangs of LA to save their city, using top-secret military tech that allows them to use music as a weapon.
The game intends to feature both cooperative campaign game modes as well as competitive multiplayer, both leveraging music as a weapon in moment-to-moment gameplay.

The man, the myth, the legend - Mr. Ice-T
Ice-T is an investor, equity owner, Executive Producer, and in-game character in Westcode: Los Angeles. Listen to him talking about the game.